Every morning on Swap N Shop I always get folks calling in to sell 55 Gallon metal burn barrels.
But what can you DO with them - other than just burn stuff - I wondered. ANd don't get me wrong - I LOVE TO BURN STUFF.
A quick trawl on Pinterest and Google led me to discover a plethora of uses for the basic old Burn Barrel. From the Fires at "Burning Man" to upcycled "Dining Room tables", there are many MANY ways these 55 gallon metal barrels can be reused, recycled and well repurposed (f that's your thing). In fact with a little looking around, I realized the only thing limiting me from having the most interesting garden in Somerset, KY - was well my time, energy, imagination and elbow grease!
I've rounded up a few links for 55 Gallon metal barrel projects for all you do it your selfers, because well if your anything like me - SPRING is the time I always start a new project or 10...
18 Creative Ideas for Burn Barrels
Make a 55 Gallon Smoker or a Portable Composter
CONVINCED and looking to buy? Well Check out our Swap N Shop list. You may be surprised by how easy they are to come by and how affordable they really can be.... In fact we got one caller today who is selling them in the Pulaski County KY area!
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