SWAP N SHOP Wednesday... Who's in??
*19 inch wheels with air sensors and set of tires with good 416-6878
* P245 tires, parts for riding mowers, squirrel cage fans for furnace and stove, garden tiller, LOOKING TO BUY 6 v battery for a tractor - 305-9969
* 14ft fishing boat, new bass seats $700 305-3260
* Make and sell lamps out of driftwood, converts old TVs to aquariums, lionel train repairs, small electronics - 606-492-3251
* 5 old upright vacuum cleaners - parts etc free 678-4217
* Older trailer for sale 6x12 tilt trailer - 875-3730 ($950) - looking for a 6x10 trailer
* Detail work cars, trucks boats, shampoo carpet seats - drywall tools for sale - pans knives, tool belts, misc items - 606-401-1235
* Riding mowers and push mowers, A/C’s, small engine repair, leaf blowers, pull behind trailer for a lawn mower 425-6557 or 416-0327
* 55 gallon metal burn barrels for sale parts for s10 pick up 676-0001
* Nordic-Tek elliptical and treadmill 300 - 416-2918
* 53 model ferguson traktor $1000, ARE fiberglass bed for truck 5/7x5/4 416-1224
* 4 old riding lawn mowers NO ENGINES - for parts - $100 2 craftsman, 2 troybuilt, white - 25 more for one that works - 679-4175
* Holstein heifer 5 weeks 175, 11 week old heifer $300, looking for land 400 an acre for tobacco, timber to cut on the halves, looking to buy junk cars and trucks, pick up scrap metal, lincoln welder, chrome push bar grill for a ford 4 wheel drive 355-7153
* Caregiver w references 425-9200
* 423-2178 large rolls of hay
* Whirlpool washer top loader, TV 19” small stereo, kids bikes, trailer hitches, old sate evening posts - yard work, clean out gutters around Somerset 305-5119
* 15/16 ft trailer, metal roofing, organ 5618048
* Clean metal 55 gallon barrels, 2 sets of tires, 235 60 tires, 225 50 17” tires 4 or 8, 4 speed manual shift chevy truck trans 305-9847
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Ain’t that a kick in the head - Dean Martin
Am I wrong - Keb Mo
At Last - Etta James
Get down tonight - KC and the Sunshine Band
Bizzare Love Triangle - Nouvelle Vague
Flowers on the Wall - THe Statler Brothers
Oh How Happy - Shades of Blue
Don’t make a fool out of me - Kitty, Daisy & Lewis
Close by - Bill Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys
The Way you look tonight - Frank Sinatra
I’ll fly away - Alison Krausse
Iko Iko - The Dixie Cups
Diner - Martin Sexton
Let there be Love - Nat King Cole
Mama Tried - Merle Haggard
Little Boxes - Walk off the Earth
Hell - The Squirrel Nut Zippers
Keep Your Skirts Down - The Andrew Sisters
Under Pressure - Queen
I’ll See You in My Dreams - Django Reinhardt