Swap N Shop Items Tuesday 2/26/19

tires and wheels, 19, 416-6878

stuff from yard sale. 802-3873

02 sentra, tractyor 875-9866

lookin comode mr logan , 561-5867

back hoe and trailer, 875-8104416-9606

yard tiller, ladder, 451-9125

lookin grill for 150 ford, 875-3978

car dolley, cherry picker, 75 caddie, 416-1586

lookin skates 305-6955

need trees cut 305-1667

fwood lawn eq, heaters 425-6557416-0327

tree work 219-7264 fwood

utility trailer, 679-4175

barrels heaters,676-0001

5x8 trailer,5x12, 5x10, r mower, lookin trailer, f-wood, 679-8582

55 gal barrels, tires, truck parts 305-9847

baler, hay rings561-8048

beagle , furnance tables, vanity , baler box, 04 jeep, lookin junk, need cut wood 355-71

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