need wheels , 492-8116
need electric work done, 802-3294
r mowers doors, tree work, odd jobs 416-9457
free kittens, 423-3084
7x9 garage door 219 2835 lookin cart for mower
golf cart, 6x16 trailer, chest frezzer, push blade, gas tank for jeeep, 561-8048
scooter carrier, tools, 305-8954
tv cab, dinning set, nifght stand, jars, yard sale stuff, clothes, 679-1539
wheels, 416-6878
rabbits, 423-3973
table and chairs, 875-9311
air cond, 561-5867
fridge and washer, free 871-7169
body lift, tractor, r mowers and eq, dog crate 425-6557
truck cover, 97 jeep motor, 305-5046
air conditioneers , 5x12 trailer furniture, pool, 348-+1609
wood plainer, 305-6955
lookin wheels, 451-0400
bed liner for s-0 271-1174
lookin 12x 16 shelter built, 425-5419
top soil, 383-0132
802-4872 lookin rake and mower
2 pigs, trade to chickens, lookin rake and mower 271-4467
need yard work, 219-9997
milk crates , 355-0200, lookin wheel for bush hog
chickens, 678-4217
barrels, plow, tires, 305-9847
bulls, corn planter 872-0100
ramps, bull float, 679-4175 219-7576
exercize ep, weight bars, odd jobs lookin frames, cable, hitches,v wheel 305-5119
lookin junk, furnance, tob trays, lookin land to rent, and timber, 355-7153
r\ mower, lookin trailer, 679-8582
hitch. trailer hitches, odd jobs 305-5119
r mower parts, wheels, book maual, 305-9969
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