Swap N Shop Items Wednesday 6/3/2020

Wednesday -- June 3, 2020


YARD SALE - Huge yard sale on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June 4th -- June 6th. Take West Hwy. 635 out of Science Hill, and turn left onto Hwy. 1676, located 1/2 mile out road on left. Furniture, tools, clothing, and many, many more items.

1. Wanting to buy a Holstein heifer, would pay up to $200; Also looking to lease some land in the Pulaski County/Lincoln County area, paying up to $500 per acre; Will pick up junk cars and trucks, paying $100 for cars, and up to $200 for four wheel drive trucks; Barrels for sale -- $7 each; Super 8 tractor with front row cultivators -- Does need some work -- $800 -- Would consider trading it for cattle, calves; 355-7153

2. Trailer hitches, two 19-inch TV's, and a box stereo for sale; Wanting to buy a small chainsaw; Two mountain bikes; One inch steel cable that could be used with a winch or tow truck; Two meter bases for sale; Also will do odd jobs such as painting, landscaping, moving, yard work, etc.; Also have several antiques to sell; 219-5304

3. Set of three-point hitch cultivators; Chrome grill for a '95 Chevy pickup truck for sale. as well as other front end parts such as hood and fenders; Garden tiller tines in good shape; Little kids bicycles for sale; 305-9847

4. Will do pressure washing on homes, mobile homes, sidewalks, patios, driveways, decks, etc. -- FREE ESTIMATES; 219-7264

5. Set of tires, like new, on rims that would fit a Chevy Blazer or an

S-10 -- Size 235 75R 15-inch; 425-6421

6. Wanting to buy a DROP IN electric cook stove; 679-3441

7. Looking to buy a good wood stove; 8575-5626

8. '95 Ford Ranger for sale; '98 Chevy Blazer for sale; '02 Ford Ranger for sale; 606-448-4540

9. Have several golf carts for sale -- both gas and electric -- 2018 Razor for sale too; Also have some topsoil for sale; 2017 Kubota tractor with only 300 hours on it -- Comes with bucket, backhoe attachment, bush hog, hay spear, and pallet fork; 271-1271

10. Murray riding lawn mower, 36-inch cut, 11 HP -- DOES NEED A BATTERY; Lawn Boy, 2-cycle push mower for sale; Call after 12 at 678-8317

11. Electric tread mill for sale -- $75; Saddles and other tack items, would consider trading for fencing supplies; Also looking to buy some outdoor kids toys; 875-0267

12. Wanting to buy a good, used John Deere Gator -- Looking for either a 4 X 4 or a 6 X 4; 808-384-4520

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