Swap N Shop Items Thursday 7/11/19

Thursday -- July 11, 2019



** Singing at Northside Baptist Church on Saturday, July 13th at 6 p.m., featuring the Joymakers

** Outdoor singing at Bethelridge Methodist Church on Friday and Saturday night, July 12th and 13th; Singing will start each night at 6:30 p.m.; Happy Travelers will be singing both nights. Friday night will also feature the Bethelridge Boys; Saturday night will also feature Still Voice.

** Bible school Wednesday through Friday this week at Cumberland Baptist Church on Omega Park Road, beginning each night at 6 p.m. Also, singing this Saturday night at the church at 6 p.m. with the Law's Family singing. Dinner after the singing.

** Yard Sale/Estate Sale on Saturday, July 13th at 720 Grundy Road, 8 AM to 2 PM. We will have lots of Men's, Junior Misses, Women's Plus, and some Infant Girl's clothing -- Mostly name brands in great condition. Shoes, purses, wallets, luggage, home decor, towels, linens, cookware and kitchen items, some teacher items, and books. Floral print sofa, porcelain dolls, Christmas items, plus much more. Priced to sell. RAIN OR SHINE.

1. Basketball cards and baseball cards; Upper Deck BIG basketball cards with dozens of all-stars; 305-6775

2. Two cemetery plots at Lakeside Memorial Gardens -- Lawn Crypts with pre-installed vaults -- $2,500; 513-683-3997

3. Six-inch aluminum jack plate for a boat; 305-8639

4. Electric hedge trimmer; Manual hedge trimmer; Two boat anchors --- very big; 1/2 box of roofing nails; 678-9709

5. Coleman Extreme Cooler -- $30; Fischer Washing Machine -- Eco Smart; Two boy's bicycles -- one is a 16-inch, one is an 18-inch; Twin stroller; 423-0017

6. '09 Sante Fe; '07 Ford Ranger, red in color -- 5-speed, 4-wheel drive; 875-7241

7. Will do pressure washing on homes, mobile homes, garages, sidewalks, decks, drives, etc. Also, will take down trees and will clean up -- Will give free estimates; 219-7264

8. Garage to rent; Also, a 4 X 8 trailer for sale; 677-2819

9. 1992 14-foot Jonn boat -- trailer and 7.5 HP motor -- $700; 45 HP Chrysler boat motor -- $100; Chickens for sale -- 1 to 3 months old -- $2 and $3 each; 305-3260

10. Husqvarna riding mower -- parting it out; 42-inch cut, Koheler 13 HP twin engine -- $175.00; 425-6423

11. Looking for Bainey chickens and baby hens; Looking for baby peacocks and pheasants; 872-3414

12. Looking for a small China cabinet that is light colored; Doll collection; Libby glasses collection; Shuck beans, dried apples, and onion sets; Ducks for sale too; Also looking for tires for a four wheeler -- 270, 60, R 12 size; 274-4307

13. Looking to trade some big stock chickens for some full grown Bainey chickens; 678-4217

14. Looking to work on a riding mower that ONLY has a bad engine -- six or seven years old; Also, has a 4,000 watt, 6. 5 HP Champion generator for sale -- like new -- 679-4175

15. '97, two-wheel drive Nissan pick up truck; Also has canning jars for sale -- 1/2 gallon, quart, pint, 1/2 pint -- all sizes; 271-4092

16. Looking to do hay ground on the shares; Looking for timber to cut -- will buy logs; Also will buy junk cars and trucks; 355-7153

17. Looking for controls for a Pontoon -- also looking for a used boat motor; 219-7528

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